Managing Eczema-prone Skin in Babies
Discover Mustela's tips and products for managing and soothing eczema-prone skin in babies.

#Baby & Child Skin
12 Best Baby Hair Products For All Hair Types
Whether it’s a thick mop of curls or it’s just barely there, you want to keep your baby’s hair healthy, clean, a...

#Baby & Child Skin
Cradle Cap: Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention
Welcoming a baby into the world is both a wonderful and confusing time. Along with all the joy and love parent...

#A Parents Guide
Will My Baby’s Eczema Improve? | A Guide For Parents
Does baby eczema go away? This comprehensive guide will help you answer that question.
You’ll also find plenty o...

#Baby & Child Skin
Baby Eczema Vs. Baby Acne: How To Tell The Difference
Your baby can develop different skin conditions. Most of them are normal, treatable, and common. But how do you ...

#Baby & Child Skin
Baby Eczema On Face: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
Have you noticed red, itchy patches on your little one’s delicate cheeks or forehead and wondered what it could ...

#Baby & Child Skin
Cradle Cap Vs. Eczema: Differences, Symptoms, And Treatment
Your poor baby has dry, flaky skin. It looks downright uncomfortable, and you’re trying to figure out what’s cau...

#A Parents Guide
A Parent’s Guide For Bathing Your Baby To Avoid Eczema Flare-Ups
You want to keep your baby’s skin healthy and soft. But when they have eczema, that can be a challenge since so ...

#A Parents Guide
A Parent’s Guide To Baby Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
When you welcome a new baby into your family, life is full of wonderful firsts: the first smile, the first laugh...

#Baby & Child Skin
7 Types Of Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
If you or someone you love has eczema, you know that it can be a frustrating condition. But did you know that th...

#A Parents Guide
Alternative And Natural Eczema Treatments: The Complete Parent’s Guide
As a parent, it’s difficult to watch your sweet baby suffer in any way. It’s especially hard when you don’t know...

#Baby & Child Skin
How To Treat And Prevent Childhood Eczema
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a common skin problem that can affect newborns, babies, children, and adults. S...

#Baby & Child Skin
How To Choose The Best Sunscreen For Eczema-Prone Skin
When it comes to choosing a sunscreen for eczema-prone skin, we know you want your family to receive the best su...

#Baby & Child Skin
What Is Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
You may have heard about eczema, but if you or your child is now face-to-face with this skin condition, you’re p...

#Baby & Child Skin
The Benefits Of Emollients For Treating Baby Eczema
Remedies for eczema vary quite a bit, from moisturizing creams to emollients, antihistamines to antibiotics. The...

#Baby & Child Skin
Psoriasis Vs. Eczema: How To Know Which One You're Dealing With
Psoriasis vs. eczema — what’s the difference? These two skin conditions seem to have a lot in common, so how can...

#Baby & Child Skin
What Is Contact Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
Here, we’ll share what contact dermatitis is, what causes it, and its symptoms. And, most importantly, we’ll off...

#Baby & Child Skin
How To Manage Your Baby’s Eczema In The Summer Heat
If the hot weather during the summer doesn’t agree with your baby, you’re not alone. Summer can be a time of sun...

#Baby & Child Skin
What Is Wet Wrapping Therapy And Can It Help Your Baby’s Eczema?
Eczema flare-ups can be extremely uncomfortable for your baby and may result in fussiness, loss of appetite, and...

Sports And Activities For Children With Eczema
When your child is young, keeping their eczema under control is easier because you have more control over their...

#A Parents Guide
Treating Baby Eczema: A Parent’s Guide
Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis), is extremely uncomfortable for your baby and can be caused by various...

#Baby & Child Skin
The 12 Most Common Baby Eczema Myths Revealed
Your baby’s first eczema flare-up can come as quite a surprise, especially if neither you nor your partner is f...

#Baby & Child Skin
How The Seasons & Climate Affect Your Baby’s Eczema
Many parents ask us, “What’s the best season or climate for my baby’s eczema?” Unfortunately, the answer to that...

#Baby & Child Skin
Daycare, School, And Your Eczema-Prone Child
Sending a child to daycare or nursery school can be a difficult time for many parents. It may be the first time ...

#Baby & Child Skin
How To Prevent Baby Eczema Flare-Ups While Traveling And During The Holidays
Travel or a holiday away from home can be a wonderful experience for the whole family, but it can also be stres...