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    Baby Development

    Baby awakens to the world a little more each day. We’ll take you through baby’s different development stages, with ideas and tips on how to guide your little one in discovering him/her self and his/her surroundings.

    does breastfeeding make you tired - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired? | Plus, 6 Tips For Coping
    Being a new mom is a joyful, exhausting rollercoaster of an adventure! And if you’re nursing your new little one...
    Parents who just had a baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Rooming-In: What It Means, Benefits, And Tips
    With your baby’s due date quickly approaching, you’re busy preparing for the arrival of your precious little one...
    Baby getting a massage for constipation  - Mustela USA - 1
    #Activities How To Give Your Baby A Massage To Relieve Constipation
    Little digestive systems sometimes need some support to keep things running smoothly. If your baby’s tummy is a ...
    Learning Hunger Cues: 8 Signs Your Baby Is Hungry - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Learning Hunger Cues: 8 Signs Your Baby Is Hungry
    Your tiny, precious baby might not be able to verbally communicate that they have an empty belly, but they can c...
    Baby sleeping with a blanket - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development When Can Your Baby Sleep With A Blanket: What The Experts Say
    Whether you’re feeding your little one in the morning or putting them to sleep at night, keeping them safe and p...
    How To Give Your Newborn Baby A Sponge Bath - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby & Child Skin How To Give Your Newborn Baby A Sponge Bath
    With your brand new baby in your arms, you and your little one have many “firsts” ahead of you. One of those mil...
    baby in a crib - Mustela USA - 1
    #A Parents Guide Baby's Room Temperature: A Guide For New Parents
    Did you know that your baby’s room temperature plays an important role in helping them sleep safely and comforta...
    baby lotion face - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby & Child Skin How To Choose Baby Lotion For Your Face And Your Baby's
    Baby face lotion is not just regular lotion in a pint-sized bottle. It’s formulated specifically with a baby’s d...
    Clothes for baby essentials checklist - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby & Child Skin Minimalist Baby Essentials: The Complete Checklist
    The modern baby market is pushing you to think that all baby products are must-haves when, in reality, you don’t...
    baby won’t burp - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development How To Burp A Baby: The Complete Guide For New Parents
    Burping is an important part of your baby’s feeding time. If your baby is constantly fussy during or after feedi...
    Tips for calming the witching hour babies! - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development The Witching Hour For Babies: What It Is And What You Can Do
    All babies get fussy every now and then, but what if your little one is having fits every day at the same time? ...
    Baby getting ready to roll over - Mustela USA - 1
    #Activities When Do Babies Start Rolling Over?
    Your baby is probably growing so quickly that you can hardly believe your eyes. With the extra baby weight, aler...
    Parent taking care of newborn by going through newborn checklist - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby & Child Skin Newborn Checklist: 43 Baby Essentials To Stock Up On Now
    With your baby’s due date right around the corner, it’s time to fill your house with all things baby! We’ve crea...
    baby-led weaning - Mustela USA - 1
    #A Parents Guide What Is Baby-Led Weaning: The Ultimate Guide For New Parents
    With a tiny one in your arms, there’s a whole new world to discover. “Baby-led weaning” is one of those baby thi...
    Baby sleeping in crib - Mustela USA - 1
    #Activities How To Get Your Baby To Sleep In The Crib: 6 Expert Tips
    If you’ve been wondering how to get your baby to sleep in their crib, this article is just for you. We know how ...
    Promoting baby hair growth - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Baby Hair Growth: Everything New Parents Need To Know
    Is your baby experiencing hair loss or still lacking hair a while after birth? No matter how much or how little ...
    Standing baby won't sleep  - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development What To Do When Your Baby Won't Sleep: Expert Tips
    Everyone warns you about the lack of sleep during the first few weeks after having a baby, but what about when y...
    Dad trying to figure out why baby won't nap - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Baby Won't Nap? 7 Possible Reasons, Plus Tips To Help Them Sleep
    While caring for a baby is a joy, it can also be a challenge, especially when your baby won’t nap! These long da...
    Baby ready for a diaper change - Mustela USA - 1
    #A Parents Guide Baby Poop Basics: The Complete Guide For New Parents
    With a new baby in your home, you’re constantly learning about babies, especially your little one in particular....
    9 Month Old Baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Caring For Your 9 Month Old Baby
    It may seem hard to believe, but three-quarters of your baby’s first year has come and gone. You’ve given them p...
    1 year old baby birthday - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Caring For Your 1 Year Old Baby
    Your baby has made it to their first birthday — congratulations! This is a huge milestone and should be celebrat...
    10 month old baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Caring For Your 10 Month Old Baby
    There’s nothing like watching your child grow up. Now that your 10 month old baby is crawling, eating solid food...
    Two parents walking their 11 month old baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Caring For Your 11 Month Old Baby
    In less than a year, your little one has more than doubled in weight, developed a number of new physical abiliti...
    3 month old baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Baby Development Caring For Your 3 Month Old Baby
    The first three months of a child’s life really fly by.  At this point, you might have a few questions about you...