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Every now and then, your baby will be a little grumpy and need to be soothed. It’s perfectly normal. That’s why it’s important to have plenty of tricks up your sleeve to soothe baby.

In this post, the baby experts at Mustela will explain the most common causes of your baby’s fussiness. Then we’ll reveal the 20 best ways to soothe your baby and keep them calm and content.

Common Reasons Babies Cry

Babies cry and fuss for a variety of reasons. Here are the most common reasons that you might need to soothe baby.

Your Baby Is Tired

Generally speaking, your baby needs to sleep somewhere between 14 and 16 hours per day. If your little one is under one month old, they may even sleep up to 17 hours per day. That’s a lot of baby sleep!

If your baby is unhappy, they may just need some shut-eye. Put them down for a rest on their back, the only safe baby sleep position.

Your Baby Is Hungry

On average, your little one will need to eat every two to three hours. If you’re breastfeeding exclusively, you may even need to feed your baby every 90 to 120 minutes. That’s why hunger is a leading cause of a grumpy baby.

20) Take Your Baby’s Temperature

If none of the above tips are working and your baby seems ill, take their temperature to make sure they aren’t running a fever. If your little one’s temperature is over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, take them to the doctor’s office ASAP.

Every baby cries and gets fussy sometimes. It’s nothing to be concerned about. Simply soothe baby with the 20 expert tips provided here, and both you and your little one will be back in good spirits before you know it.